Single Location SIR

This section will look at the disease progression in a single location and observe its dynamics.

Creating an Empty Class

Create a new project in the required directory. There is no need to create a new folder, as creating a new project automatically creates a new folder. Name this folder sir and change the language to scala. The build system should be chosen to be sbt.

Navigate to src\main\scala and right click on the folder in IntelliJ. Select a new package and rename it sir. Again right click on sir package, select a Scala class followed by object. Call this object Main.

The empty class should look like this.


Now we can define a main function that has no input and has no output. The syntax and indentation of defining a function is as follows

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

The args means that the argument or the input is an array of Strings and the output is of type Unit, which corresponds to void means that there is no output. The code should look like this,


void return means that the function returns nothing at all. Remember nothing is different from 0, or empty list.



Notice how the object Main has changed color from grey to white. This is an IntelliJ feature which lets the user know if the object/class/variable is being used

On running this, the output message should read Process finished with exit code 0

Implementing a single-location SIR

Before we can input a file or simulate a disease, we need to make a few classes which are essential to the workings of the framework. These classes need to be imported to the main class to make the code easier to understand and clutter-free. The framework is extremely inter-connected and defining the same functions over and over again is tedious and computationally heavy.

InfectionStatus class is a scala object class that stores the compartments of the disease, and in our case Susceptible, Infected, and Recovered. This class connects the instance of the compartments to the their string counterparts.

  • BasicDecoder: This functions takes a string value and converts it to either a node or throws an exception. The latter is only the case when the input type is not in form of a string.

  • BasicEncoder: This takes the instance and converts it to a string. In the simple case, there are three possibilities which are Susceptible, Infected and Recovered

  • Extends: This allows the functions of one class to be used in another. In this case, the functions of Enumeration are made available in the class InfectedStatus because of extends

The code for each of the above class is provided below.

package sir
import com.bharatsim.engine.basicConversions.StringValue
import com.bharatsim.engine.basicConversions.decoders.BasicDecoder
import com.bharatsim.engine.basicConversions.encoders.BasicEncoder

object InfectionStatus extends Enumeration {
  type InfectionStatus = Value
  val Susceptible, Infected, Removed = Value

  implicit val infectionStatusDecoder: BasicDecoder[InfectionStatus] = {
    case StringValue(v) => withName(v)
    case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Infection status was not stored as a string")

  implicit val infectionStatusEncoder: BasicEncoder[InfectionStatus] = {
    case Susceptible => StringValue("Susceptible")
    case Infected => StringValue("Infected")
    case Removed => StringValue("Removed")

Inputting a File

To begin we must import a series of libraries and the function of each libraries will be explained as and when they are required.

import com.bharatsim.engine.Context
import com.bharatsim.engine.ContextBuilder._
import com.bharatsim.engine.execution.Simulation
import com.bharatsim.engine.graph.ingestion.{GraphData, Relation}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import com.bharatsim.engine.utils.Probability.biasedCoinToss
import com.bharatsim.engine.basicConversions.encoders.DefaultEncoders._

There needs to be a modification in the line where we have defined the object. We need to make use of a keywork called extends which allows one class to inherit the properties of another class.

object Main extends LazyLogging

By extending LazyLogging, all the properties of this class are made available in Main. The LazyLogging class allows the user to display or output information. It can be thought of as better version of SystemOut.


When libraries or variables are not being used they appear grey in color, and as soon as they are called, they become colored again

Since LazyLogging is being used, it changes color from grey.

The next step is to define a private value called initialInfectedFraction and set it to 0.01. Private value means that this will only be available in the defining class and not outside. This will be made accessible to the function we are about to define.

In the main function we had earlier defined, we can create an instance of the simulation class.

val simulation = Simulation()


val is an immutable variable and this implies that the value of this can not change.

Then we ingest the csv file in the following manner

simulation.ingestData(implicit context => {
ingestCSVData("input.csv", csvDataExtractor)
logger.debug("Ingestion done")

Here csvDataExtractor is a user defined function which we will get to later.

On running the code, an error pops up displaying that csvDataExtractor is not defined.

The csvDataExtractor function is defined in the following manner

private def csvDataExtractor(map: Map[String, String])(implicit context: Context): GraphData = {

Once the function is defined and we need it to the following things,

  1. Accept the Context as an input parameter

  2. CSV header and corresponding values

  3. Return the data in the form of GraphData

The first step depends on the CSV file that is being imported since it depends on the headers of the data. In BharatSim, the CSV files usually have the following columns,

val citizenId = map("Agent_ID").toLong
val age = map("Age").toInt
val homeId = map("HHID").toLong


The csvDataExtractor reads the csv file line by line and defines each citizen line by line.

The next step is to determine if the citizen imported is infected or not.

val initialInfectionState = if (biasedCoinToss(initialInfectedFraction)) "Infected" else "Susceptible"

If the biasedCoinToss returns True, then the citizen analyzed is infected from the disease. Using the data obtained from the CSV file and the infection state, we can create an instance of the citizen.

val citizen: Person = Person(

Once this is done, relationships need to be established that will connect the nodes on the graph. The citizen will Stay At the house, and the house will House the citizen. The relationship needs to be established both the ways, as the first relationship links the citizen node to the house node and the second one links the house node to the citizen one.

val home = House(homeId)
val staysAt = Relation[Person, House](citizenId, "STAYS_AT", homeId)
val memberOf = Relation[House, Person](homeId, "HOUSES", citizenId)


A House HOUSES an Agent and an Agent STAYS_AT a House so these two relations are inherently reflections of each other. The first relation is specified in the House class, while the second one is specified in the Person class (Refer to the classes above). The same defination of relationships can be extended to any pair of Agents (Student, Employer) and corresponding locations (School, Office).

Then we create an instance of the GraphData and add the aforementioned nodes and relationships

val graphData = GraphData()
graphData.addNode(citizenId, citizen)
graphData.addNode(homeId, home)
graphData.addRelations(staysAt, memberOf)

Once the nodes and relationships have been established, we can then return the GraphData. Unlike python, no return keywork is actually required. In scala, the last line has to be just value that has to be returned.


Compiling all the lines together, the csvDataExtractor function and the main function looks like

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

  var beforeCount = 0
  val simulation = Simulation()

  simulation.ingestData(implicit context => {
    ingestCSVData("citizen10k.csv", csvDataExtractor)
    logger.debug("Ingestion done")

private def csvDataExtractor(map: Map[String, String])(implicit context: Context): GraphData = {

  val citizenId = map("Agent_ID").toLong
  val age = map("Age").toInt
  val homeId = map("HHID").toLong

  val initialInfectionState = if (biasedCoinToss(initialInfectedFraction)) "Infected" else "Susceptible"

  val citizen: Person = Person(

  val home = House(homeId)
  val staysAt = Relation[Person, House](citizenId, "STAYS_AT", homeId)
  val memberOf = Relation[House, Person](homeId, "HOUSES", citizenId)

  val graphData = GraphData()
  graphData.addNode(citizenId, citizen)
  graphData.addNode(homeId, home)
  graphData.addRelations(staysAt, memberOf)
